I've been practicing my headshots for future shoots on Tommy. I still have to work on lighting but he is a good model and a good sport. Here is the contact sheet from our shoot.
Last weekend we went camping up in the Prescott National Forest. I was afraid it was going to be really cold but the weather was very nice. We had a very good time cooking, eating, hiking, playing games, and sleeping - a lot. It really felt like fall. The brisk wind, the changing leaves - I've really been missing that lately. Enjoy the pictures!
We had so many great ideas on what we were going to be for Halloween this year. We even started buying the accessories we needed months ago. Then we procrastinated. Then we ran out of money. Then we ran out of time. Then we went as nerds because lets face it, it's pretty much the easiest costume in the world and everyone can be a nerd. However, not everyone can pull it off quite like Tommy can :)
Today after church Tommy and I stopped at this empty lot on out way home. It's kind of odd, we think there used to be a house there or something. Now all that is left is some strange ruins and a couple old couches. Tommy thought it would be the coolest place for pictures so we tried it out. What do you think?
I decided I like the contrast between these two photos.
So I got this letter in the mail yesterday. You see the part where is says only 1% of the photos submitted are selected? Well I am one of those lucky 1%! Keep an eye out for my photo on the low calorie Pomegranate Jones Soda!