I'm not usually a very wordy blogger but every once in a while I get to thinking about life and that sometimes leads to wordy blogging. Today, I was thinking about what I wanted to be when I grow up. Because we all know that I am far from that, here is a list I came up with :)
When I grow up I want to be...
A good mom.
Patient and understanding, helpful and kind, and all of the wonderful things I see in my own mother.
Happy with my family, happy with my job whatever it may be, happy with the way I look and the perception of myself, happy with the person I become, and happy with the life that I have even if it doesn't turn out the way I think it should.
The best photographer I can be.
That may not be the best photographer ever but I do want to expand my talent and be the best that I can.
A good wife.
There are so many definitions of what a good wife is; one who cooks and cleans and rubs her husbands feet. Yes, those are things I would like to do but to me being a good wife consists of: supporting my husband in each decision he makes for our family, believing in his ability to provide for us, believing in his talents, making sure that he knows that I believe in him, and making him wonderful meals because he loves that most :)
A dedicated blogger.
I want to make sure my life is documented even if it may not be interesting to some people or to me.
It is important to me that I am not ignorant and that I am aware of other people and things going on around me.
A world traveler.
I'm already starting my journey but I am far from finished. This will take some dedication.
Someone people can turn to when they are in need.
When I was young, I didn't understand the importance of helping others as much as I do now. So even though my children may not like it and sometimes I will not be appreciated, I would like to be the helping hand to others, always.